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Zuzana Slanska - AngIta
Zizkova 56
281 26 Tynec nad Labem
Czech Republic
VAT No CZ6356220123
Mobile Phone: 00420 603 164 831
Skype: zuzana.slanska
Connect with a freelance translator who has nearly 20 years of know-how and she really masters her profession. A person that knows what the client aspects and thanks to her practice is able to deliver translations of a high quality in short deadlines. Check examples of my translations, my speciality or my knowledge.
I prepare a text of many varied branches - your correspondence, advertising material, brochures, expert's and auditor's reports, documentation for tenders and others. I've carried on manuals of diverse machinery (resistance welders, industrial automation), devices, appliances, their characteristics and specifications, parts catalogues and booklets. I have been a part of a team for a boiler construction project for heating plants regarding ash handling equipment of boilers, fluid beds, worm coolers, sampling methods, chronology of defects, etc. I have worked in a sphere of coal manipulation and refinery (regenerator/main column section, gas concentration, vacuum distillation, gasoline merox process).
Look at my professional profile or peek at my customers. I am also an Italian-Czech sworn translator and interpreter.